vue meta


When writing stories, there are two aspects that are helpful to type. The first is the component meta, which describes and configures the component and its stories. In a CSF file, this is the default export. The second is the stories themselves. Storybook provides utility types for each of these, named Meta and StoryObj.

What is Vue-Meta? Why Vue-Meta for SEO? Setting Up Vue-Meta. Installation. Integration with Vue Application. Using Vue-Meta Across Different Pages. Updating Tags, Titles, and Descriptions. Implementing Open Graph and Twitter Cards. Conclusion. Welcome to the second part of the two-part series, Improving SEO: A Tale of Two Libraries.

Meta tags management with Vue-meta in Vue.js 3 | Snippets | Borstch. Provide code to dynamically manage meta tags for each route using the vue-meta plugin in Vue.js 3, enhancing SEO. import { createApp } from 'vue'; import App from './App.vue'; import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router';

vue-meta is a plugin that helps you to manage your app's metadata using Vue's reactivity. You can add or remove metadata to any component using the `metaInfo` property, which will be automatically merged top-down.

Route Meta Fields | Vue Router. Watch a free video lesson on Vue School. Sometimes, you might want to attach arbitrary information to routes like: transition names, or roles to control who can access the route, etc.

Vue Meta is a Vue.js plugin that allows you to manage your app's metadata. It is inspired by and works similar as react-helmet for react. However, instead of setting your data as props passed to a proprietary component, you simply export it as part of your component's data using the metaInfo property.

How to use Vue-meta with vue3? Ask Question. Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. Modified 1 year, 9 months ago. Viewed 3k times. 2. Actually, I installed it. Everything was well until I tried to add a meta description. The problem is that when I want to use meta description instead of showing the name as a description it shows it as a meta.

Main.js import Vue from 'vue'; import VueMeta from 'vue-meta'; import App from './App.vue'; Vue.use(VueMeta); new Vue({ el: '#app', render: h => h(App) }); Now that we've imported the VueMeta component, we can send it some data by exporting a property called metaInfo from any Vue component.

1.8.25. License. MIT. Unpacked Size. 41.9 kB. Total Files. 9. Last publish. 8 days ago. Collaborators. Try on RunKit. Report malware. `vue-component-meta` allows you to extract the meta-data like props, slots, events, etc from your components via static code analysis.

The vue-meta library provides a Vue plugin that allows you to take control of your application's metadata from a component level. It is important to curate the metadata of your web apps for search engine optimization (SEO), but when working with single-page web applications (SPAs) this can often be a cumbersome task.

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